This is an exploration on the topic of bullying. It focuses mostly on the research I conducted on the topic. My main interests are on what action to take in dealing with bullying behaviour and how to prevent it from happening. I look at bullying through the eyes of bullies, victims and bystanders as well as from the teacher’s perspective. I explore a list of what to do when an incident occurs and go through each step. I think back to my personal experiences with bullying and use them to help me better understand the perspective of everyone involved. I draw on prior experiences in the military as being important, as confidence is required when addressing a bullying situation. I look at different ways to use a bully box. I look at how to reduce power differentials in the classroom through building student self-esteem and using humanitarian philosophy. I think about how prior experience and new knowledge help me to improve. I reflect on how my studies on this topic have made me grow as a teacher, on how it has empowered me.