Getting to the heART of Math
Michelle Levesque and Benson Shapiro
Who? This is for high school students. Its purpose is to draw their interest to the use of technology, specifically stop motion video using cell phones. Benson Shapiro and I have structured this lesson for a math and art class. However this lesson can be adapted for any kind of lesson.
1. Expose students to different ways of use stop motion video in a class via instruction and assignments.
2. To demonstrate how one can cross subject boundaries, incorporating art and math together.
3. To get students to make connections between math and the real world.
3. To get students to make connections between math and the real world.
Where does it fit?
- Stop motion video will fit into a class:
1. By captivating the audience with an interesting video.
2. By using stop motion to stress the details of a lesson ex. direct instruction
Content Summary:
- Introduction video clip Getting to the heART of Math
- What is stop motion video?
- The math lesson:
3. Stop motion video year end assignment:
"Choose one big math idea that we covered this year. Give example(s) of how to use it in the real world. Your final product will be a video that you created using your cell phone and stop motion video."
4. Rubric for math and art must not contradiction
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